It is important legislators hear your story…in Albany

Most people who have come to Albany have enjoyed the opportunity to speak about their workplace bullying experiences.  We have had teachers, law enforcement personnel, nurses, HR professionals and media representatives among many other career paths talk about the culture and environment that exist at their place of employment that lead to such violence

We also attempt to make an appointment with your State Senator and Assemblymember so you can meet with them in person and have some assurance that your voice is being heard

If the event becomes too much, there are places to relax and opportunities to sight-see and enjoy what Albany, NY has to offer.

Anyone who has experienced workplace bullying knows how devastating the mental, physical and financial effects can be to our health, family and career.  Each year we invite a people like yourself to speak about your workplace bullying experiences  at  legislative meetings we have throughout the day.  

At each lobby day event, we have as many as four teams meeting with legislators and you would have as many as 8-10 opportunities each day to let legislators know what you experienced, what the employer did, or didn’t do and what the end result was.  

It is important to be concise as possible to get the point across to the legislators and their staff as meetings are limited in time and other people like yourself are provided an opportunity talk about their experiences too.

If you would like to join us in Albany, please send us an email to stating your interest in  doing so and we will contact you as the next lobby day event nears.