Personal Accounts

Writing about your experience is a way you can have your voice heard in Albany to pass the NYS Healthy Workplace Bill.  

It is important to limit your personal account to no more than two pages.  Legislators and their staff do not have a lot of time to read long accounts however informative they may be.  Some helpful guidelines to write an account that will be read and remembered include:


  • What happened

  • Effects to health, family and career

  • Outcome:  Job loss, demotion, quit, fired, resigned

  • Costs to the employer:  turnover, reputation, quality of product, fines, workers comp, heath insurances premiums

  • What you want the legislator to know or do

Personal Accounts can be anonymous.  We understand the need to protect your job, family and health when writing a personal account

All 213 state legislators will receive a copy of your personal account.  NYHWA will work with you to identify who your state senator and assemblymember are and we will hand deliver a copy of it to them. 

Accounts will not be used outside of our legislative meetings without our written permission.  Once we have distributed your account for the legislative session year, they will not be used again

If you would like to know more and share your personal account for the 2023 legislative session, please send them to